MJPEG and MPEGgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hej!I´m really new in video recording and editing...can anyone explain what´s the difference between the two? Is it possible to convert mjpeg to mpeg?
-- nathan summers (zombini@libertysurf.se), January 25, 2001
In it's simplist terms...MJPEG is an encoding technique that encodes each frame of video as a seperate frame (keyframes) ie. each frame contains all the information needed to display the picture at that given point.MPEG on the other hand generally consists of 3 frame types, I frames (keyframes), B frames (bi-directional) and P frames (predictive). Each frame of vision is calculated from these frames values, and the resultant information generates the picture you see. I say generally consists of 3 frame types as you can also have MPEG encoding with all I frames, or IB encoding as well as the full IBP encoding.
Yes, it is possible to convert MJPEG to MPEG, all you need is the appropriate codecs installed on your computer, along with some encoding software to do the actual conversion.
Hope this helps.
-- Chris Kenny (findme@dove.net.au), January 26, 2001.
In a simple way: MJPEG is an AVI (VfW) or MOV (Qt) codec; MPEG is not. There are very definite sets of rules with which to implement MPEG that anyone who cares to encode and decode MPEG streams have to abide by; a typical MJPEG codec will be proprietary: there are Matrox h/w, PICVideo s/w, Pinnacle h/w, QuickTime A and B s/w MJPEG codecs galore. Since valid MPEG streams are standard they can be played directly on many platforms; you need to have the correct MJPEG codec residing in the PC you intend to play a certain MJPEG AVI clip in.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), January 29, 2001.
For all your video needs, visit http://vcdhelp.comThere is some great freeware (TMPEG does conversions nicely and is quite advanced) listed under the tools section. And some tutorials on conversion.
Best, Steve
-- Steve (swa11ace@hotmail.com), January 29, 2001.