Little Pat on the Bottom OK : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

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Little Pat on the Bottom OK, Court Rules

Updated 12:54 PM ET January 25, 2001

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Supreme Court has decided that a little unexpected pat on the bottom at work does not amount to sexual harassment -- as long as it's only occasional.

The country's highest court of appeal Wednesday overturned a man's conviction for patting a female colleague's behind saying there was no evidence that he had behaved "lasciviously."

Instead, the court ruled that any pat that is "isolated and impulsive" should be OK.

The woman had alleged that the man had also threatened her, saying he would block her career if she denounced him.

The man was last year found guilty of sexual harassment, sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined nearly $4,000. But the conviction was later quashed.

The same appeals court sparked widespread outrage in 1999 when it upheld a verdict declaring that a woman could not have been raped because she was wearing skin-tight jeans.

The court stated that tight jeans could not even be partly removed without the help of the person wearing them and therefore the woman must have consented to sex.

-- Uncle Bob (, January 25, 2001


Ya know Bob, the worst of this new stuff is that you can't pat the fat ass on an ugly woman just to make her feel good.

Makes you wonder who's winning.

-- Carlos (, January 25, 2001.

Well Carlos,

In the US of A the definition of sexual harassment is UNWELCOME touching. So, by definition, if you find a willing, grateful woman, then you are ok! Hint: look for the smiling face post pat!!

-- Aunt Bee (, January 25, 2001.

The price for guessing wrong has become too high AB.

Uptight rules the day.

-- Carlos (, January 25, 2001.

"Uptight"? A guy I don't even know "pats" me on my ass and if I take offense (which is **guaranteed** if I don't know the guy) I'm "uptight"?

Oh, I don't think so, my friend; I just don't think so.

-- (, January 25, 2001.

This reminds me of my neighbors son. He thought it was cool to pat my daughter on the butt because he saw his dad do it to his mom all the time. At the time he was about 8 years old. Well, he found out pretty quick (from his dad) that it wasn't cool. Funny what children learn from their parents ;)

-- Peg (, January 26, 2001.

Peg, that's exactly what happened to my son. He mimicked the same kind of behavior he saw around the house. Oops!

Patricia, have you been to Italy? A woman can't walk more than a few yards without some guy patting her behind. Around the vatican it's much worse. One could actually get two pats at once. Just a different attitude.

Carlos, do you speak from experience? How many fat ugly women's behinds have you patted? :)

-- Maria (, January 26, 2001.

Bewildered and looking around....

"I have a confession to make".

Um, sometimes I wish I "could" get my ass patted.

Sheesh, I feel soooo much better now. :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 26, 2001.

Yes, I have Maria. When I was 17, standing in front of the Trevi Fountain.....

My trip would NOT have been complete if that hadn't happened :-)

Look, at 17, it's kind of neat, if not uncomfortable. In your 20s, you start to think (and say), "BUG OFF!!" In your 30s and perhaps early 40s, it's mostly obnoxious.

I suspect in a few years I'll be sitting here saying, "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO "PAT" MY ASS?!?!?!"

Never satisfied, I suppose.................

-- (, January 26, 2001.

Patricia and sumer, I'm beginning to feel the urge to go to Italy again just to get some pats! I'm at that age where I *know* no one's getting whiplash! Carlos, care to give this woman a pat? I won't slap you for it :)

-- Maria (, January 26, 2001.

Hey, Maria...

Just have someone take a pic of your it here...and we'll all give it a pat...Whattya think?...LOL ;)

-- Peg (, January 26, 2001.

I'd like to have a hand in this since it's my post...

-- Uncle Bob (, January 26, 2001.

(And U.B. fires off another one for the Greatest One-Liners Archives.....)

-- LMAO here..... (, January 26, 2001.

(And U.B. fires off another one for the U.B.'s Greatest One-Liners Archives.....)

-- LMAO here..... (, January 26, 2001.

Peg, too funny. Hmmm now if I can just find someone to take on that task... the xerox machine could be a good alternative.

Sure Bob, lend as many hands as you like.

-- Maria (, January 26, 2001.

Ohhhh Peg,

comeon now girlfriend, you can help us out...

Your the picture wizard around here. :-)

Is sitting on foot against my ass on chair at work on company time. :=

hee hee

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 26, 2001.

Sorry sumer,

It's Maria's butt...she'll hafta post it :)

-- Peg (, January 26, 2001.

Oh maria:

I do hear that copier calling you dear :=)

dont ever say I didnt try to get cha some help tho. :=)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 26, 2001.


-- helen checks air fare to Italy... (b@r.f), January 26, 2001.

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