Any DV card,capture quality all the same since it's fireWire ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Dear friends,Since like any analog card, it all mostly depend on its price for the capture quality, so I wonder will it happen to DV Card also ? I mean the cheaper we buy a DV card, the lower capture quality we get ?
If yes, how come ? Since many said that capturing via DV / firewire will get no loss of video and audio quality at all...... (but never mentioned whether it'll be still depends on the price of the DV card or not).
If not, then I think I want to buy the cheap Studio DV card, is it worth it or not ?
Any input will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Regards, Sunar.
-- Sunar Karjadi (, January 25, 2001
I have a studioDV IEEE card which is really good though it costs only around $60. Only problem is if use its software to capture video as mpeg the quality is very poor. You have to capture it as avi and then encode it to mpg.I know it is waste of time but you wouldn't know all this before purchasing and when you start as a novice movie maker!!! I hope this helps---MM
-- malnadman (, January 27, 2001.