what do you win

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

If my team makes it to the finals what kind of prize do we win.

-- Josh Simpson (sokernut@kc.rr.com), January 24, 2001


A big heavy junk trophy....Getting on the show is winning! Everything else after that is icing on the cake!

-- Duane Flatmo,Art Attack (flatmo@humboldt1.com), January 24, 2001.

i think it's just a trophy, a medal, tv exposure, the satisfaction of building kick-ass things, and best of all.... a kiss from cathy. :o)

-- Brendon O'Brien (VFW666@aol.com), January 24, 2001.

what could top being invited to be on the show!?..a trophy?.i dont think so!

-- tim (milehiharley@hotmail.com), January 25, 2001.

Speaking of that Kiss from Cathy....I just read George will be the only host in the new Shows....maybe I read wrong......but does that mean you get a kiss from......george? eww

-- JunkMan (r1ddller@juno.com), January 25, 2001.

if you get a kiss from george no way in hell i want to win

-- shawn ireland (korn_360@www.com), January 25, 2001.

Hey, isn't George the cute guy? i wouldn't mind gettin a kiss from him!

-- Gem-trippin out, aww hell yeah! (tpt82@hotmail.com), January 31, 2001.

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