Another VP server -- ChatCity Australia : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I don't want to alarm folks, but there were substantial layoffs at Excite today, centering on paring down the community division and online content division. This along with the eradication of the "clubs" at Excite last month, and the moving of the "boards" at Excite to a third-party who will run them for Excite ... are all warning bells that VP at Excite (chat) may go the way of all good things. Hopefully not soon.

I do want to alert you that there is one last VP online -- it is at

You will have to go sign up there and register, just like you did for Excite VP, but once you have a name and password there, you can use the same software you used for Excite to log in to the ChatCity site.

All you have to do is, within the VP software, click on Tools/Community Servers. Add a server called ChatCity Australia. URL will be "" (no quote marks). Then click on "connect" and you should be able to go right into their VP.

(Note that if you get a login error that tells you you have the wrong password or name, try deleting all your browser cookies, then logging in again using the VP software.)

Again, I must warn that VP for Excite may NOT go away. On the other hand, I fear it may sometime in the next few months. I hope I'm wrong! Don't panic -- just hedge your bets and go get a name registered at ChatCity Australia ... just in case! We can always use =their= server for VP in case we need to!

-- editrix (, January 23, 2001


Ann -- I am not in Australia, but we do have some members who live there. Maybe one of them speaks Spanish. (Any takers?)

I suggest you go to the VP Australian site and start talking to people there. There may be people who speak Spanish on that VP. Directions on how to get there are in the first message here.

-- editrix (, March 13, 2001.

I speak spanish,I like have a chat with spanish people, living in Australia

-- ANA PEREZ (, March 07, 2001.

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