is there any other way to convert avi to mpeg? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i've tried to convert 20 min avi to mpeg1 . gosh it took 4 hours to convert. i've tried both tmpgenc and bbmpeg.. they both took a very long time to convert. is there any other way to vcd out from avi?
-- billy dzuy (, January 22, 2001
Hardly any other.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 23, 2001.
you could try the panasonic encoder. For a file that long it will take you about an 1hr and 50mins. it does not give you bad results either
-- Doug (, January 23, 2001.
You can encode in real time if you invest in a hardware assisted encoder. As a matter of fact you get better results from a hardware assisted card if you do capture to AVI first and then encode to mpg. They start in prices around $600 and go up from there
-- Al (, January 24, 2001.
Hi Billy.Faster CPU may help, and maybe better if no resizing required.
I use TMPEG beta 12 on a Duron 700 running at 900 MHz. Turn on all the CPU options, including multi-threading and pre-fetch video, except for the "check hard disk space" or whatever was that last one.
For 20min it took me just around 45min. My source AVI is already at same size with the end result though. In my case was PAL 25 fps 352x288. I capture using Broadway version 2, with high bitrate (rated there as 70MB/min) at the size I said above, source was composite video, fed directly from cable box or VCR as a tuner.
The resulting VCD is stunning.
-- Rusman E. Priyana (, January 24, 2001.
wow thank you all I really appreciate for your helps
-- billy dzuy (, January 25, 2001.