Can You Convert Disk Image Back to Original File : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have been making some SVCD's and have created disk image files of the original encoded file for burning with EZ CD Creator 4. Is there any way to get back to the original file so I can use as it was encoded. It now has a .cif and was a .mps before creating the disk image. I have deleted the original files after creating the .cif files.

-- Charles Wyborney (, January 22, 2001


I wasn't aware EZCD allowed SVCD authoring. Anyway, one thing you can do is create your VCD, and extract the contents of the MPEGAV directory back to the *.mpg they originally were by using, say, VCDGear. If that's really SVCD, figure out which are the MPEG-2 files and copy them back to the HDD. I don't know how you can extract them back to *.mps but maybe this step is not necessary.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 23, 2001.

your using the i-author aren't you? that makes an svcd image file for the easy cd. you could try the program above to extract the mpeg. If that fails you could also maybe try "isobuster". this prgram opens image files (for different cdr programs) and extracts the mpeg data back. Or maybe you could copy the mp2 files back to your PC and then use tmpg to de/remux the file back to mpeg 2 using the svcd template

-- Doug (, January 23, 2001.

VCDGear2.0 allows the extraction of .bin and .cif files back to .mpg file. You can extract the .mpg from your .cif file. This file will be playable assuming you have mpeg2 codec installed on your system.

-- lnguyen (, January 24, 2001.

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