greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

This jack-booted thug was caught in the act yesterday as he "cops" a feel on the tit of an innocent protester at the inaugauration parade...

Flagrant sexual harrassment by Bush's perverts!!

-- (buy a gun @ defend. yourself!), January 21, 2001


Since when did the Prez start being accountable for the actions of police everywhere?

INNOCENT PROTESTOR???? I musta missed the picture of the cop taking the womans clothes off....get a grip dum dum.

-- What A Dope (Gimme@A break.stupid!), January 21, 2001.

bet that cop voted for slik-willy!!!!!!!

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), January 21, 2001.

Why do anarchists always have the ugliest women?

-- mbo (rfp@mail.com), January 21, 2001.

Who you calling ugly? She is one hot mama!

-- (i fucked her @ she's. good), January 21, 2001.

Daughter Jenna is startled as the her bastard father pulls down dress strap in a perverted attempt to suck some young tit.

-- more evidence (oh.boy@what.a.perv), January 21, 2001.

you are a sick person

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 21, 2001.

yes, i agree, that dubya is one sick puppy.

-- shrub (perverted@frat.boy), January 21, 2001.

Since when did the Prez start being accountable for the actions of police everywhere?

Oh I see, but Clinton was responsible for what happened at WAKO?

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), January 22, 2001.

This jack-booted thug was caught in the act yesterday as he "cops" a feel on the tit of an innocent protester at the inaugauration parade

If I were the police officer I would let go.

That is one ugly tittie.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

Those tits are a lot nicer than yours sumer!

-- Peter the peeping pervo (i've@seen.them :)), January 22, 2001.

What on earth was this nut-case "protesting"? What highly intelligent point was she attempting to make by going naked on a freezing day? She is probably a middle aged, burnt-out acid-head left over from the 60s trying to recapture her glory years.

Oh we shall overcome someday.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), January 22, 2001.

Those tits are a lot nicer than yours sumer!

Passes the above mentioned a magnifying fucking glass.

Here, when you can 'really' see sumer's titties, you can make that comment. Till then, shut up.

Now, I feel much better.

Opens shirt looks down and smiles :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

Have some pity on the cops. Everytime something goes wrong, people scream they aren't there fast enough, or should have prevented it. Everytime they do show up, people complain they did the wrong thing.

As a group, they are cut less slack than anyone.

"More evidence",

You have to lay in the bed you've made for yourself, enjoy it.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), January 22, 2001.

Sumer, are your tits so small that we need a magnifying glass to see them? Well, that doesn't sound like much fun! Maybe you shouldn't be criticizing that lady, at least she HAS tits!

-- bwaahahaahaaahaha!! (you@ugly.ho!), January 23, 2001.

And YOU would know I'm an ugly ho because.....

Yep, thats what I thought.

FWIW, at least I'm honest bout my itty bitty titties. :-)

And not hiding behind an annonymizer, fuc*ing moron

-- Pres of iddy biddy tiddy club (shh@aol.con), January 24, 2001.

I don't use an anonymizer, you ugly ho!

P.S. It is okay to say the word "fucking" you fucking ugly ho!

-- (bwaaa@haahaa.hahaha), January 24, 2001.

Hey LL wuzzzzzuppppp ?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 24, 2001.

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