DISCUSSION Forumgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread |
Click HERE to see an example of a discussion on a discussion forum.The purpose of this forum is to share information and ideas. Notice on the link above that someone had a specific problem that he needed addressed, and that several other people responded to the question, some with pictures to illustrate the point. I know from working in the schools with teachers that virtually everyone has questions. If you look at some of the questions that have been as on this forum, most have been answered in a quite timely manner. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone to take advantage of this resource. Ask questions, suggest an activity, idea, book, or event, and respond to other people's questions. And as always, remember to come to the forum to respond, the e-mail alert is just to let you know that a message has been posted. Do not respond directly to the e-mail alert.
Thanks y'all!
-- Michael Gatton (mwgatton@hotmail.com), January 20, 2001