happy birthday, Orpheus!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Have a great birthday on Saturday, Orpheus! Maybe sometime we can have another backgammon game......you could let your 'younger' opponent BEAT you for a change? hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day!

-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), January 19, 2001


Orphie! It's your birthday!!! I didn't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit. (Now I feel guilty).

Someone tell me ahead of time next time!

Have a terrific birthday, Orph. (hangs head in shame that she didn't make Orpheus a birthday card)

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), January 20, 2001.

Ok vavashagwell, you are ON! This old fart is going to provide you, free of charge or other obligation, a lesson in backgammon that you will remember!

-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), January 20, 2001.

Hi Joe, Miss You. Happy Birthday & Many Happy, what do they say? Many happy returns on the way? Many happy returns after we play? many happy returns (mmmmm) during the foreplay? Many happy returns ----From Miss J :)

-- JAS B (goal__@excite.com), January 21, 2001.

You all keep pitchin' `em and I keep missin' `em! Shame on my poor old, senile, forgetful self for missing your birthday, Orpheus...

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), January 21, 2001.

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