Anyone tired of all the bad-news?? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

We will ALL give an account of our actions--too our creator!! REAP=SOW!!.......the LAW of sin & death-no man can escape!!! but we are all slaves to sin[missing the mark]

but the GOOD NEWS is=GOD did something for us!!!! we had a debt we could not pay---HE paid a debt HE did not owe!!

JESUS DIED=FOR SINNERS!! THE LOVE OF GOD=COST HIM ALL--BUT HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE=FALL!! thought maybe someone could stand some=good news!!

get to KNOW HIM --HE is very KIND & PATIENT!!

-- al-d (, January 19, 2001


p.s. =MORE GOOD NEWS!!! the moment we=[believe]-we are declared=righteous!! OUR=performance does NOT guarantee=salvation[alot of do-gooders] without CHRIST are not=saved!!! if we DEPEND on our OWN=goodness--we are decieved!! it is good too do good-but not good enough!! GOD demands=perfection--no one is perfect!! SO =HE does for us-what we cannot do for ourselves!!

we can=REST [in] HIS salvation & grow in =grace[HIS -FAVOR]

-- al-d (, January 19, 2001.

The second paragraph reminds me of something my Driver's Ed instructor used to say, "The right of way is something you never have, but can always give away."

-- David L (, January 19, 2001.

Does anyone here remember dIeTeR? I think he found Jesus and is sending his own posts through some sort of filter.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 19, 2001.

BEmuSed!!! You aRe A JacKASs anD A HyeNA, Are yoU NOt???? OF CouRse!!! MIstER AL-DenTE hAS bEEn pODDed!!! CAnnOt His FOolISh UppER CAse pRObleMS BE CAuSEd by OTher MEANs??? no!!! nO!!! hIS TRansPOdDatIOn is NEArInG comPLETiON aND YOu aRE neXT,, yOU tWIsTER OF dIETeR's SCROTuM!!! bEGoNE You foOLIsh chIMpanZEE!!! vACaTE hERe Of tHE INsTANt!!!! aND sPEaK No mORE OF dieTEr!!!

i HaTE YOu!!!

-- Dieter (questions@to.ask), January 20, 2001.

I am tired.


Of bad news and of bad people.

I am depressed.

I am consumer.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

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