I have 2 questions about converstion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have 2 questions.

First : I decided to convert .mpg and .mpeg to .dat format so that i can watch on my vcd player. So i convert .mpg and .mpeg to .dat format by using VCD Gear, then burn it onto a cd. Does that works? Do i need any hardware?

Second : what is .asf format? what is .cue format? what is .raw format?

-- Shelby Tan (shelby@singnet.com.sg), January 19, 2001


you dont convert mpg to dat. the burning software does that when you select to create a VCD. i prefer to use nero burning rom.

as for the other formats, Im not too sure

-- kellyc (kellyc@pqafrica.co.za), January 19, 2001.

You DON'T convert your *.mpg to *.dat to watch on your VCD player, etc. To create your VCD you need what you call authoring s/w, like Nero, etc. which does this "conversion" for you. Either way, to get clearer cues, you hog ALL of the entries in this forum past and present and you are likely to get away infinitely more enlightened about matters VCD :D

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), January 20, 2001.

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