Is anyone else finding this forum to be slow and "sticky" today? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I pay $30./mo for this forum and I expect my service to be perfect.

-- (lars@beelzebub.666), January 18, 2001


As soon as I posted this, response time improved. This should be a lesson to us all.

-- (lars@beelzelbub.666), January 18, 2001.

You are not alone, Your Evilness. I have been having problems with this and another Greenspun forum all day today.

The price we pay, I suppose :-)

-- (, January 18, 2001.


That will teach you to pose here as mr. nice guy when you are actually a minion of hell.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), January 18, 2001.

You lil' devil ;-D

Explorer was dragging for me. I switched to Netscape and haven't had any problems since. (And no, that wasn't a plug...just a fact.) I even received "Server Busy" errors when I logged on with Explorer this morning!

-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), January 18, 2001.


I use Netscape and I was also getting "server busy" messages or else I was getting nothing at all. That hourglass is such fun to watch. Now it has spontaneously remitted.

-- Lars (, January 18, 2001.

Lars, to answer your original question: YES! I thought it was just me. Glad to know it's not time to replace the office computer yet!


-- Not now, not like this (, January 18, 2001.

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