Central of Georgia Railway in Statesboro, Georgia

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am wondering if anyone can give me a brief history of the Central of Georgia Railway in Statesboro, Georgia. More specifically, I need to know how it manifested itself in Statesboro and, also, its connection with the Norfolk Southern Railway. Any information anyone has would be appreciated. I am trying to write a brief report on this section of the railroad for the Deaprtment of Tarnsportation. Thank you.

-- Emily Olin (Emily.Olin@dot.state.ga.us), January 18, 2001


Here is a bit of info I have from an old CofG magazine:

On June 27, 1897, The Bruton and Pineora Railway Company (B&P) was incorporated. The railroad extended 67 miles from Statesboro to Bruton. Construction was began in 1898 and completed by the Central of Georgia in 1901. It was sold to the Central on June 1, 1901. Connecting with the B&P at Statesboro was the Dover and Statesboro Railroad with a line extending to the Central mainline at Dover. This company was incorporated on January 25, 1889 and was sold to the Central on June 1, 1901 also. The tracks from Metter to Bruton were taken up by the Central and the railroad operated from Dover to Metter. In the mid 1960's, the CofG was taken over by The Southern Railway. In the late 1980's, Southern merged with the Norfolk and Western Railroad to form Norfolk Southern.

Bryan Smith

-- Bryan Smith (bsmith3608@aol.com), January 19, 2001.

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