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Federal Income Tax TruthListed Taxable Sources And Your Money By Jim Thomas
Would you believe me if I told you there was no federal tax on income? Technically, there is none! Taxing your income would be a violation of all current laws and would raise serious constitutional questions.
The federal income tax is based upon specific taxable sources and is measured by the net income from the specific taxable source; the net income being what is left after all allowable deductions from the gross income. The Code of Federal Regulations defines the taxable sources for purposes of the income tax and they are the only official listing of taxable sources. What you may believe to be taxable sources from reading tax bulletins or the Internal Revenue Code would most likely be in error.
When you review the Code of Federal Regulations based upon tax law, you will likely find that your income is not taxable because it is from an excluded source of income. Thus, it is not a taxable source of income. The source is the key and not how many dollars you earned.
Before it is taxable, income must be derived from a listed taxable source. If your income is not derived from a listed taxable source, you have no taxable income. When you review the taxable sources for tax purposes, you will find that the only source is for foreign income. No taxable sources are listed for U.S. citizens in the 50 states because they are excluded from taxation.
Laws covering taxable sources have not essentially changed since the Income Tax Act was passed in 1913. One should note that citizens not protected by the Constitution are not excluded from taxation because they are outside the 50 states. When Alaska and Hawaii came into the union of states, the tax regulations had to be changed accordingly. Of course, anyone can volunteer to pay income taxes and it will be recorded as a gift tax as specified in the United States Code under Duties of the Secretary.
Have you ever talked to someone that paid income taxes prior to World War II? I'll bet that you have not. Check with some older folks who are still around. The 1921 Code Book was very clear on who was taxed and who was not. The tax laws have not changed but deception continues to enlarge.
The 16th Amendment of the United States Constitution has little or nothing to do with income taxes. It would be the same without the amendment. However, the amendment does give credence to the tax being excise and also states that income taxes must be derived from a source. The source is determined by Congress, with their limited powers, and not the amendment itself. If Congress could tax every source, then there would be no need to deceive you through deceptive regulations. Again, the source is the key and they are very limited.
Media Bypass is currently preparing a special issue on income taxes. It will cover income taxes beginning with 1921 to current day. It will open your eyes to the deception over the years by giving you specific references to study. It is clearly written so that the reader can comprehend all points made.
The issue will be 64 pages and is a must for tax students and tax professionals alike. The price will be $10 -- the best buy on the market. We plan to have the issue on the street by mid-January, so get your orders in early! Give them to your library, your friends and Internal Revenue Agents.
Get prepared for April 16, 2001!
Orders may be sent to: P.O. Box 5326 Evansville, IN 47716
-- Jim Thomas (, January 17, 2001
I see you sell all types of -- um -- "alternative publications", Jim. I think you'd find a more receptive audience for this material over at EZBoard rather than here at Unk's.
-- Hoping Unk's (, January 17, 2001.
Thanks for the link, Hoping.
-- KoFE (Your@town.USA), January 17, 2001.