CAPN NEEDS HELP! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Ok, guys, capn needs help. He asked me to ask you all if someone would post a link to Bok's so he can visit. Any hot linkers out there? He said he knows the password. Thanks in advance!

-- Aunt Bee (, January 16, 2001


A bump for those of you that go straight here!

-- Aunt Bee (, January 16, 2001.


-- (dis@enfranch.ised), January 16, 2001.

Link to Bok's

-- CD (, January 16, 2001.


The password is Newt.

-- kritter (Linkette@Linking.Links), January 16, 2001.

Thanks yaw'll,

That works,I bookmarked it so it will be there for later.I hope to see you there if everything allows.

-- capnfun (, January 17, 2001.

Well,I guess it is not to be,but thanks folks for tryin',it seems it doesn't agree with this pc and as ya know I'm a Mac dude.

-- capnfun (, January 17, 2001.

Damn, capn!

What about the laptop? Is that a possibility? We want to talk to ya! Have you tried that one?

-- Aunt Bee (, January 18, 2001.

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