Awesome photos from under the Antarctic ice : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

[Category: Misc.]

Diving Under Antarctic Ice: Thematic Photo Gallery. Stanford Magazine profile of Norbert Wu, who took the above photos.

-- David L (, January 15, 2001


Neat find David.

-- Carlos (, January 15, 2001.

Weddell seals----awwwwwwwww

-- Lars (, January 15, 2001.


What BEAUTIFUL pictures of nature! One cannot gaze upon them and not know in their hearts, that we are but a miniscule part of this drama we call life.

Thank you David!

-- Aunt Bee (, January 16, 2001.

Wow, David; great site.

(Gelatinous zooplankton -- yewwwwwwww.......)

-- (, January 16, 2001.

Excellent pix, dude. Thanks for putting up the link.

-- Mac the Knife (long_time_pal@w/, January 16, 2001.

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