Reuniting With the Past Part 6 : LUSENET : erfanfiction : One Thread

DISCLAIMER: "ER", the characters and situation depicted within are the property of Warner Bros. TV, Amblin Entertainment, Constant C Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. The story written is for entertainment purposes only. The author is making no profit. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know if the medical knowledge is correct or not. Feedback is greatly appreciated, both positive or negative.

I'd like to thank Lori for helping me with this series. I don't think I could have done this without her.

"Reuniting With the Past" part VI by: Alexandra

Elizabeth's eyes grew very wide. "Michael what are you thinking? Have you gone mad?"

"Shut up Bethy. Slowly walk with me to my taxi waiting outside. Don't make any sudden movements or gestures. We are going to the airport, I will send for your things when we arrive in England."

"Michael, I'm not..." she heard him slowly cock the gun.

"Lets go"

Meanwhile at the desk, Carol was filling out a chart when she was something shiny being reflected in the light. She looked closer and saw the guy talking to Elizabeth had gun in his hand. She walked over to Jerry and casually said, "Jerry, uh, could you go and get Mark, right now. Tell him to come quick!"

"Carol, why...?"

"Just do it now!" she requested. "Ok Ok" she said calming herself down. "What am I going to do to stall them?" she thought to herself for a moment. "Ok, Alright, I'll page Elizabeth to the desk. Hopefully this'll work." she quickly dialed the number. "Come on Mark what's taking so long?" A few minutes later she heard Elizabeth's pager go off and saw her check it.

"Look Michael, they need me. I have to go see what they're paging me for."

"No, you're not going anywhere" Elizabeth stood there for a second. "Come on move!" he ordered.

Carol saw them starting to leave and decided to act fast. She ran up to them and yelled, "Elizabeth they need you in curtain 2, your patients crashing."

"What?" she said confused.

"Your patient, you know the 35 year old woman who came in with abdominal pains earlier. You *said* to page you if her status changed."

"OH!...Yes...Mrs. Denmark!"

"Carol, you needed me? What's wrong?" Mark asked as he ran over to them, not noticing Michael. Jerry and some nurses were not far behind.

"I was just telling Elizabeth that..."

Michael interrupted her. "Ok that's enough!" he grabbed Elizabeth by the arm, pulled her close to him and aimed the gun at her head. Everyone dropped to the ground and screamed. Then it became silent.

"I'm tired of you people interrupting me! I'm taking Bethy home, where she belongs, with me. And if anyone of you try to stop me especially you," he pointed to Mark. "I swear to God I'll shoot her."

"Mark don't..." Elizabeth started.

"Shut up!" he pulled her arms back tighter, causing her to make a rather painful face. Then he slowly walked backwards to the ambulance bay doors, the gun still aimed at her head, and escaped into the steam rising from the cold ground.

Mark ran after them, he didn't care what happened to him as long as Elizabeth was safe. He quietly walked behind Michael and Elizabeth but accidentally made a sound and Michael immediately turned around.

"You stay away from her." Michael yelled, waving the gun at Mark.

"Come on, you really don't want to take her with you, do you? Look at her, is she worth it?" Mark told Michael trying to coax him into letting her go. In his mind, he knew that if it were him, he wouldn't give Elizabeth up either. But it wasn't him.

By this time, the police rushed through the doors outside, and two police cars pulled into the entrance blocking the ambulance bay. They jumped out of the cars and pulled out their guns.

Michael looked around knowing there was no hope for him. "I guess the right thing to do now is to let her go."

He let her go and Elizabeth turned around and looked at him suspiciously. He was up to something again. Or could he be? No Michael never gave up that easy a day in his life. What would make him start now?

As she started to walk away, he kicked her and she stumbled to the ground. Mark went and helped her up, when all of a sudden Michael fired a round of shots, and three people fell helplessly to the ground.


-- (, January 15, 2001

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