Mom faces charges for giving son condoms : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Monday, 15 January 2001 9:05 (ET) Mom faces charges for giving son condoms

BARABOO, Wis., Jan. 15 (UPI) -- The mother of a 13-year-old boy could face trial this year for giving her son condoms.

The boy said he was engaging in sexual relations with his 15-year- old girlfriend and told police he was afraid he had contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

The mother, 33, faces a possible 15 years in prison and $10,000 fine under a 1988 law intended to protect children subjected to sexual assault.

Ken Streit, a University of Wisconsin-Madison law professor, told Monday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the prosecution was unusual since the law was designed to protect children from adults. He said the prosecution may have trouble proving the mother could have stopped her son from having sex.

The woman told investigators she did not try to convince her son to stop having sex because, she said, he was too young to "understand that sex should come with love." She also never contacted police or social services.

Briefs in the case are due in February and a trial date has not been set.

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Political Calendar v.1.1 Spider § Software
January 15
1919: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht murdered by German police
1929: Martin Luther King Jr. born
1948: 200,000 electrical workers strike
1968: Jeanette Rankin Brigade marches on Washington to protest Vietnam war
1991: U.S. begins bombing of Iraq

-- spider (, January 15, 2001


let's see scools can give out condems without parental-knowledge kids can get abortiom-advise from school=counselor.

kids can be taught how wonderful being gay is--occultism-withcraft- evolution-anything & everything EXCEPT-THE TRUTH OF HOW TO KNOW GOD AS FATHER!!

WOW IT ONLY TOOK 50 years to-turn america too paganism!!

oh well GOD said long ago--that in the=last-days WICKEDNESS SHALL INCREASE.....SURE GLAD THE ARK[JESUS] IS READY. sittin here watchin it happen----chillin in faith-not suprised!!

-- al-d. (, January 15, 2001.

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