Anybody Home????? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread | first time in exile in like forever and nobody is here. IS there a set time I should show up or is there just nobody around? Hope you all remember me. Lots of love.
-- Cc (Stacey) (, January 14, 2001
Been trying to be on at 11pm ET most nights!
-- editrix (, January 17, 2001.
Heh, we're always home in one form or another. Tis pretty hard to catch a whole bunch of people in Exile milady, at least in my experiences. Good luck to you in your adventures, and may your treasures be wonderful indeed. ~Drizzt~
-- Drizzt (, January 15, 2001.
Hello SUNSHINE I miss you tons, & if u tell me any day or time u might get online, i'll make every effort to be here. Just that out time zones clash. I hope you're well SIS & its good 2 just see u leave a msg. HUGSSSSSSSS BUNNY c u soon
-- JasB (, January 17, 2001.
Gee, Cc, I could swear I saw you in Exile on the night of the 15th... Dang, I must be losing it big time! Anyway see you there soon.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 18, 2001.