Audio Choppy at Higher Bitrates : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am using TmpgEnc Beta 12a software and have created a VCD at 1150 kbit/sec, and audio at 44100 Hz and 224 kbits/sec. It works great on my Pioneer DV-434 DVD player, except the video is a little fuzzy - the audio is clear. Burning is done using Nero 5.0. Video capture using Dazzle Amigo at 3000 kbit/sec. I then did the encoding with TmpgEnc at 3000 kbit/sec and the video quality improved but the audio is now choppy. I have tried various settings for the audio without any luck. Either it is choppy or non-compliant.

I am trying to get the highest quality possible by not capturing with my dazzle at the video CD bit rate of 1150 as I read here that it is better to encode at higher bit rates with TmpgEnc to get better video quality. How do I eliminate the choppy audio and get the best video quality or do I have to leave the bit rate in TmpgEnc at 1150?

Can anyone help me - wasting Cd's. Thanx.

-- John Little (, January 13, 2001


the problem is that the homedeck players (99% of them) will not read a highrate above a bitrate of 2500. So capture as you do using the 3000 rate (i use the dazzle usb at 2900) then encode this down to 2500 bitrate, you wiull notice little if no differecne Also sometimes i will use its noise filter for hjighrates set at 20-1-20 --enjoy- the pioneer decks will not read above 2500 bitrate

-- Doug (, January 14, 2001.

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