The best VCD link site for Legal VCD's? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I run this site - and would appreciate your feedback - is it usefull - does it give you all the VCD information you need? Do you agree with my rankings - have I missed any other Legal VCD vendors out?

Please let me know - I want to be an expert on VCD!

Thankyou all

Looking forwards to hearing from you soon.

-- Waynne Smith (, January 13, 2001


Thanks for the link. It is really usefull I would like to see more information on the vcd vendors though and I think that cool are the best although I see you have changed some of the rankings since I last looked.

Great site & the message board is a good idea!

-- Myas (, January 18, 2001.

Well, I would generally agree coolvcd & vcdgallery are 2 of the best around. But allvcd at No.2 ? I don't think so! Those guys are bunch of thieves!

-- SteveP (, January 19, 2001.

A 'bunch of theives' does appear to be an emotive generalisation - perhaps you could be a little more specific. You are the first person to make an objection of the Allvcd listing. Please give me more to work on here.


-- Waynne Smith (, January 20, 2001.

Seems all those sites listed are run by the same person/people. If so it's agreat idea...pretend there is competition..



-- John Smith (, February 01, 2001.

I have found much competition between the sites listed on - I have also so had feedback from the stores concerned asking to have higher rankings. Most VCD shops are based in Penang Malaysia - If an idea works then it is going to catch on - initially in the same area.

All the sites listed have separate postal addresses and I deal with a different contact at each store with questions etc. Some speak good english and some 'inglis is no tooo god' from other stores! If I found out there was a cartel then I would instantly remove the listing - fair competition is a good thing.

-- Waynne Smith (, February 02, 2001.

Hey! I'd like to know who speaks good English and who gets by speaking inglis. Would make it easier to decide who to buy from, I think.

-- benjamin aries (, February 02, 2001.

Eddie (@Gallery), and Elaine (@Cool) all speak english very fluently, Generally speaking (pardon the pun!) the higher they are listed the better the quality of the english spoken (All sites listed have very good communication skills If they no speaky good englingo then me no listem!) Phrase book replies are obvious to spot.

(It's not only the language it the business acumen that counts - they need to know how to give good customer support to get listed on !)

-- Waynne Smith (, February 02, 2001.

There is an addition service available on cds-vcd-shop-uk.htm it is basically a MONTHLY news letter with exclusive offers and the latest news from all of the VCD retailers noted on the site. The invitation should pop up when you exit the site.

What sort of things should I put in the newsletters? Would you like to see bulk package deals negotiated or buy X get Y free offers?

-- Waynne Smith (, February 10, 2001.

Attention Waynne Smith,

Good English? How about other sites? Do they speak good English too? By the way, after evaluating your numerous yet endless messages on the message board, I notice that you always talked good things about COOLVCD & VCD GALLERY. They must have bribed you in certain ways. Furthermore, I noticed that both of these sites ranked top 3 on your site. I'm sure you must have received something good from them. This is so unfair for other listed sites. This is clearly a prejudice. Perhaps you should remove all other vendors from your website and leave those two remain there. Why would someone wanna trust you when you have already been bribed by those two sites. Where is justice?

-- Anonymous (, February 20, 2001.

Dear …? Oh - sorry you are using an anonymous name and email address.

Other sites may well use good English but I have not listed them because either 1) They sell pirate disks [I have been caught out with shoddy pirate disks hence my motivation to recommend the 'quality suppliers of vcd'] 2) Speaking good English does not mean that the site gives good customer service a requirement for listing on my site. 3) I have not heard of the site (I cannot list what I do not know about - I assume you have a site that you would like listed!! Email me the address and I will do a mystery shop at it - if it is good it will be listed)

After evaluating your numerous messages I notice that you have never said anything constructive about any site and neither contribute to the community spirit of this message board - you appear to have a mission to slag off all competing VCD suppliers and are too afraid to give your real identity - not very good marketing!

If I list a site and ranked them as a top 3 supplier and then I would be expected to say good things about them. I have received no bribes from either of the stores concerned (this would be nice - so if you run either of these stores and would like to bribe me I would be most happy.)

To get a high listing on my site you must answer all emails I send within 6 hours - orders must be dispatched the day the order is placed on and if a title is not available I expect an email telling me so offering a replacement title or telling me how long I need to wait. I also deal with GENUINE COMPLAINTS from real customers of all stores so I get to know what their customer service is like, what mistakes they make and how they sort them out - so visitors to my site get free consumer protection and a complaints procedure. - My site is growing and rapidly becoming very popular I run this site on a voluntary basis and I do earn money from sales made if they click on one of the banners on my site - last month I made a whole $9 - so I am not really motivated by money.

Justice is not obtained by moaning and groaning behind an anonymous name and email address. Justice is always proven as time passes. Either grow and build with the VCD community or be left behind.

-- Waynne Smith - My real name (, February 20, 2001.

Hello Waynne, i am running my own website Maybe you could check us out. I intend to sell only original copy ( don't want to get in trouble with the law). My supplier is Speedy Video, Wawasan, HVN and Eastern Records. My web site is not top notch in terms of design but you don't have to list my site in your site. I need your feedback. Customers from U.K., US and Taiwan had purchased from me. My site is only up in October only.

-- Kevin Chan (, November 06, 2001.

Hello - is any good for dvds?

-- Michael Forrester (, April 26, 2002.

I think the cheapest one should be Their shipping charge on $2.99 and buy two get one gift.

-- Tong Gen (, March 11, 2003.

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