How to patch panasonic mpeg1 vbv to encode higher than 1150000 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I cant find the patched version of panasonic mpeg1 plugin for the vbv but i heard there was a way to do it with a hex editor and change some values, so you can go higher than 1150000 bitrate for vcd's. I want to try and get better quality for the vcd, cant play svcd's on my dvd player.

-- Rob G (, January 13, 2001


on the panasonic you have to make it, actually change the settings to "mpeg system" file. this will make you have a highrate vcd. Also if the bitrate is 2000-2500 in the advance settings change the vbr buffer rate to manuel and make the number 150. I do not know exactly why but this will make it so the audio does not skip in your dvd player

-- Doug (, January 14, 2001.

Doug is correct on this but it doesn't work on all players, eg on some early CDR capable Philips decks you need to demux a Pana encoded stream and re-mux using TMPG's VCD-non-standard (even if the original stream was VCD encoded). the vbv patch i've just emailed to you, it should have been fixed on version 2.51 so only use it only versions earlier than this.

-- kevin (, February 16, 2001.

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