missing parentgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
I am a Amerasian women looking for her vietnamese mother. I was born in or around Saigon in 1971. I lived in american run orphange in Saigon. My father is or was an american solider. I was adopted by a american couple in Milwaukee, WI.
-- Maura Tran Lai Phuong John-Bond (mbond@cr-sdc.org), January 12, 2001
Please check out http://www.darlo.tv/indigo/VVsearchingpage.html or http://www.adoptedvietnamese.org and go to searching for birth parents link. Susan McDonald has posted some information that may help your search. Indigo (adopted from Saigon 1972)
-- Indigo Williams (info@adoptedvietnamese.org), June 11, 2002.