display size on tvgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i havent yet gotten into the hang of things yet. one you create a vcd from an avi that you have converted to mpeg1 is the display that comes out on your tv the same size as it is displayed on the computer or does it take up the whole screen display or atleast get bigger?
-- kellyc (kellyc@pqafrica.co.za), January 12, 2001
If you encode a proper VCD disc (ie 352x240 etc.) for NTSC, when it is played back with a VCD player (or stand alone DVD player capable of playing CDR and VCD) ... then the TV screen will be filled normally. In the NTSC world (352x240) means full TV screen display. Ditto if you are using PAL .. (352x288).
-- Rich (rich@pcphotovideo.com), January 12, 2001.