Did you know that.....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
The Victory Tax Act of 1942 was Congress’s scheme for coercing citizens of the 50 states who were not federal employees into paying "income taxes" they were not legally liable for. The Victory Tax also introduced the practice of "withholding." This was to be a "temporary" tax, intended to last only two years. Unfortunately, we weren’t told the whole truth.
Enacted during World War II, the Victory Tax was originally a flat, 5% "uniform" tax rather than the "graduated tax" we have today. At that time in our history, patriotism was high in America, so there was little resistance to this tax, and Americans were eager to pay their "fair share."
But on May 29, 1944, Congress repealed the Victory Tax and its provisions for withholding! (See 58 Statutes at Large, Chapter 210, page 234.)
Sec. 6 REPEAL OF VICTORY TAX. (a) IN GENERAL - Subchapter D of Chapter 1 (relating to the Victory Tax) is repealed.
Thus, there is no law making a citizen of one of the 50 states liable for the payment of taxes on their compensation for labor! Nor does any law exist that authorizes employers to withhold, and turn over to the federal government, up to 30 per cent of the compensation earned by citizens of the 50 states.
Unfortunately, the U.S. government has never bothered to announce this fact to the people, and Americans have continued to pay "income taxes" they have not legally owedfor over half a century! The good news is that you are not legally liable for the "income" tax!
-- Muzzy Braun (muzzybraun@aol.com), January 10, 2001
WHERE YOUR PERSONAL "INCOME TAXES" REALLY GOIt’s commonly believed that the "income taxes" we pay to the federal government fund the operation of the government and pay for the services that government is supposed to provide. For many, this belief fuels a sense of patriotic duty to pay "income taxes." Unfortunately, this belief turns out to be far from the truth.
During his first term in office, president Ronald Reagan appointed a commission headed by J. Peter Grace to study and report on the fate of our income taxes. In January of 1984, in reference to individual "income taxes," the Grace Commission reported:
100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government. Grace Commission Report to the President, January 15, 1984.
What exactly does this mean? It means that the money you pay in personal "income taxes" goes directly into the coffers of the Federal Reserve. Now, this may not seem so bad until you learn the truth about the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is not an agency of government, as commonly believed, but a private banking corporation owned and operated by international bankers for their own profit. The Federal Reserve lends to the government "money" that it creates out of thin air through mere bookkeeping entries on their account ledgers. Our "income taxes" then pay the interest on these "created-from-thin-air" loans. This interest is then pocketed by these bankers as profit.
Thus, the personal "income taxes" you pay go into the pockets of international bankers. So much for "patriotic duty!"
-- Muzzy Braun (muzzybraun@aol.com), January 10, 2001.
Now you know the rest of the story..........Muzzy Braun.........Good day!
-- Muzzy Braun (muzzybraun@aol.com), January 10, 2001.