Looking for Photo of The Boarding House

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I am hoping you can help.

I am doing a research project on the Historic San Francisco Music scene and I am unable to find "The Boarding House".

Does this venue still exist?

If not, can you direct me to an archive where I could get some photos and history, technical specs etc.

Thank you.

Jimmy Sutton

-- Jimmy Sutton (info@theaudiodept.com), January 10, 2001


In 1977-1978 the Boarding House was a 960 Bush. In 1981 there was a Boarding House at 901 Columbus.

Good luck on your research.

-- KURT IVERSEN (IVERSENK@AOL.COM), January 15, 2001.

I worked at the Boarding House in the 70's, and it is long since gone. I think it lasted through the 80's and finally closed. I understand that David Allen, who was the brains behind it, died several years ago. I would love to track down some of my old co- workers. What a fabulous place that was!

-- Johnnie Sue (Huddleston_2@msn.com), February 27, 2002.

In 1972, I moved to SF. and (for a short time) lived at the Mary Elizabeth Residence for Girls. Within a month, I got an apartment with another girl that I'd met there, on Leavenwoth, between Bush and Pine. During that time, my roommate and I spent many evenings at Teh Boarding House. I remember the fellow who worked in the sound booth, a little guy, with wavy hair past his shoulders, named Maple. From that sound booth we saw Van Morrison, Taj Mahal, and Neil Young. They were great times. Years later, I remember seeing a few comedy shows on tv broadcast from the Boarding House. Sorry to hear it's gone.

-- Diane Diamond (fachaki@aol.com), August 27, 2002.

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