Prince CG Book : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I know this may sound like a dumb question to some of you, but I'm new to the board. Can someone tell me about the "Prince" C of G book everyone is always referring to? Is it out of print, or can it be ordered? Thanks in advance.

-- Andrew Durden (, January 10, 2001


The Indiana University Press has begun reprinting Prince's books but on a rather slow schedule. (In addition to the book on the CofGa, Prince also wrote books on the ACL, SAL, Southern, Georgia, L&N, and several other southern RR's.) I pestered their editor with email and only received a vague answer about the CofGa book. The volumes so far have been going for $50 each. Until they get around to "our" book the best bet is still ebay and train shows. One sold on ebay this month (June 2001) for $91, but more typical is above $200.

Below is the URL for the Indiana University Press. I bet if several more folks will write and show some interest we might be able to get bumped up the list a few notches! (Hint hint!)

-- Ed Kelly (, June 13, 2001.

Richard E. Prince's book "Central of Georgia and connecting lines" has a copyright date of 1976 and has long been out of print. I have the good fortune of having acquired one a while back and it is a great source of information about the CofG. I particularly like the section that gives the history of many of the CofG's more important short line connections including The Georgia and Florida, The Savannah and Atlanta, the various Pidcock lines around Albany, The Bayline, and many others. It is full of photos of CofG steam and passenger operations and is an overall great book. It may get some of it's reputation due to the fact that there are few books available about the CofG. doesn't come cheap, if you can find one. The January 2001 issue of TRAINS magazine contains an advertisement by "Ron's Books". One of the books he had offered for sale is Prince's CofG book......for $275.00. In the recently received February edition of TRAINS, I noticed "Ron's Books" advertisement does not make mention of this book which leads me to believe that someone may have bought it for $275.00. Your best bet would be to watch the e-bay auction site. It's not common for one to be listed but every now and then there will be one listed. Good Luck.

Bryan Smith

-- Bryan Smith (, January 10, 2001.

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