Pennsylvania: Electric rates down after 4 years of : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
"Pennsylvania's success
We can ask that with a certain smugness, because we, too, deregulated our electric power industry in 1996 - not that anyone in Sacramento much noticed. Not only are Pennsylvanians conspicuously not freezing in the dark, but, in addition, power prices this year are below the levels of four years ago, according to the environmental watchdog group PennFuture."
-- Cave Man (, January 10, 2001
California utilities' bankruptcy could bring dark daysBy Dale Kasler Bee Staff Writer (Published Jan. 10, 2001)
From New Hampshire to Washington state, electric utilities have filed for bankruptcy in years past without interrupting one kilowatt-hour of customer service.
But California could be different. The peculiarities of the energy crisis make it possible that without some sort of dramatic government intervention, utility bankruptcies here could lead to blackouts, several experts said...
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-- Cave Man (, January 10, 2001.