Half of my mpeg worked half doesn't why???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi there: I used Nero burnt a MTV VCD and my SONY VCD player won't play some of the track properly; some tracks appeared in slow mode, some just don't appear on TV at all and some worked perfectly....I converted them all by using Nero. Anyone can help me???
-- Fredy (ghost98@goplay.com), January 10, 2001
First of all Nero doesn't convert anything. It is a CD mastering application and expects you to provide it with source files *.mpg. Wherever you got your *.mpg files from it's probable some of them are nowhere close to the White Book spec that's why they won't play or play freakily. Next, NO recent Sony DVD set-top play CD-R/RW. Older Sony set-tops did (those that say 'dual optical blah-blah-blah' on the faceplate). What exactly is your Sony model?? Lastly, if you dig and delve into the entries on this forum past and present you will get a much better idea of the complexities within and without your case.
-- MT (turk690@yahoo.com), January 11, 2001.