I'm a granny

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

If I haven't told you yet my son and his wife made me a grandmother on January 4, 2001. Geoffory is doing fine at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 18 inches and like the majority of the family he has red hair

-- jamais1 (kathra@iwon.com), January 09, 2001


YAAAYYY FOR YOU JAMA. congrats to you and the parents too.

-- Desdra (sparklz101@hotmail.com), January 12, 2001.

How about a picture? Or when can I come and take one? You need a proud grandmother picture page. : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), January 12, 2001.

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