Is the Brenva Spur in Condition? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
I have heard there was a large rock/ice fall on the Brenva Face in 1997/98, and that the route has changed significantly since then. Being interesting in making the Brenva Spur in the summer of 2001, I would greatly appreciate any information anyone may have of this route since that event; mostly, is it still reasonable to climb?Thanks! Jeff
-- Jeff Witt (, January 09, 2001
I was going to climb the route a couple of years ago, but was put off by the info provided by the Maison de la Montagne. They said that the initial spur from Col Moore is extremely unstable and wass to be avoided. They added also that the route had been climbed after the rock fall by the Düssfeldt couloir, which is pretty steep.
-- Timo Vennonen (, January 31, 2001.