Just "say NO" to temptation island (OR "welcome to sodom...may I check your clothing?")greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Can't even believe this sh*t is going to air. not to late to e-mail FOX and let them know you don't want to see this type of trash on TV.BTW UNC we need a "social bitches" category.
And I ain't talking bout weeeeemon.
-- (non@sense.BS), January 08, 2001
I've seen the ads for this trash; "sh*t" is a good adjective. I didn't watch "Survivor" or any of the other so-called "reality shows". I exercised my freedom to change the channel. (Actually, in many instances, I exercised my freedom to utilize the on/off button and placed it in the off position.)
Shows like these appeal to the mentality of many; why would it proliferate as it does if there wasn't an "audience"? Heh, we all have "guilty pleasures", I suppose. Of course, for certain segments of the population, it isn't just a "guilty pleasure".....these are the people who keep shows like "Springer" going.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), January 09, 2001.
Yesterday I read about how all the "tempters" were tested for STD's before being allowed on the island. That tells you exactly what the producers expect from these... "employees" (as in worlds oldest profession ;^)
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 09, 2001.
Just more "defining deviancy down". In a year, this will be thin gruel to the "guilty pleasure" freaks. Something ever more titillating will be needed or ratings will drop. The WWF, so-called reality shows, what's next? Gladiatorial combat? Well, that would be ok as long as the gladiators are checked for STDs. Wouldn't want the lions to catch anything.
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), January 09, 2001.
You people are reaping what you sow. The profit motive is amoral.
-- (LeonTrotsky@Red.Square), January 09, 2001.
Lars,Something ever more titillating will be needed or ratings will drop. The WWF, so-called reality shows, what's next? Gladiatorial combat?
Sounds like you're describing the XFL, an unholy hybrid between the NFL and the WWF. A certain midwestern, bald governer is going to be an XFL announcer when it starts up.
Remember that 70's made-for-TV movie where some nut tries to blow up a football game with a bomb in the Goodyear blimp? If we could only be so lucky.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 09, 2001.
Bemused--I vaguely remember that movie.
Yeah, I heard that the XFL was coming. Jesse will be announcer? While he is still governor?
-- Lars (larguy@yahoo.com), January 09, 2001.
C'mon Bemused. You don't really want the XFL to be blown up by a bomb. Think about it... After the Vikings win the Super Bowl we're going to need something other than the Xtremely boring NBA to supply us with our offseason sports fix. Besides, I hear the XFL has thrown out the fair-catch rule during punts. If you're a gamblin' man, there's still room in the "How Many Games Will Be Played Until Someone's Decapitated" pool if you want in.
-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), January 09, 2001.
nonsense:I already don't see anything Fox shows, and I haven't had to e-mail them once. I also use the "Patricia method" to avoid watching what I dislike.
On the other hand, this show doesn't sound too bad. I hope there's lots of skin, maybe some decent action. Threats, violence, danger, these things make me nervous and uncomfortable. But nice carefree sex is a pleasure to watch, in small doses.
However, I'm willing to bet the best stuff all happens off camera. America is still *much* to prudish to show skin unless it's being sliced open or some such. In which case, the "Patricia method" still works just fine.
-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), January 09, 2001.
flint you horny li'l devil you
-- (cin@cin.cin), January 09, 2001.
That movie, and the book btw, were entitled "Black Sunday", and the author was the same man who wrote "Silence of the Lambs"..Thomas Harris. He's sooo devious..isn't he? And the psycho was so well played in Black Sunday by Bruce Dern, and Robert Shaw is the guy who stops him. Thanks for reminding me of that cool flick!
-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 09, 2001.
What a hipocrit. Flint had the nerve to belittle KOS and yet has no qualms about seeing some in his own words skin. How offensive.Shame on you Flint, you hipocrit.
Too bad someone else doesnt call you on it.
-- flinthipocrit (flintis@ahipocri.t), January 10, 2001.
Bruce Dern looks so old all of a sudden What is going on here? Yikes, pretty soon his daughter will wrinkle up too.
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo..com), January 10, 2001.
Lars, true. Dern does look ancient now. But geez, have you seen Donald Southerland lately? All those guys from THEN are getting OLD now. Hell, Shaw is dead already..heh.
-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 10, 2001.
Kritter,Well it's a dang shame. Hell, I don't look any older. I'm sure you don't. Bruce needs a face-lift and to get rid of the gray hair. Who is Shaw?
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), January 10, 2001.