Capturing DVD on hard drive : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone comment on possible solutions to this problem? I have been capturing avi files on my hard drive from a DVD player, connected by an S-Video line. It captures fine but when played back, contains annoying horizontal lines across the screen. Is this something to do with capturing at such a high resloution (DVD is something like 720x 480) and then encoding to Mpeg (only 320x240) resolution? Will I get the same problem when capturing a S-VHS clip via an S-video connection ? Any feedback much appreciated!

-- Pete Scannsy (, January 08, 2001


It appears you have captured the macrovision encoded DVD stream thru your capture card, you may be able to find a disable feature on your card to get around this, but I think their is some software out there too that will do this for you. Better yet, get yourself dvd ripping tools and put the original file right to your hard drive...macrovision free.


-- Tygrus (, January 08, 2001.


If you are capturing above 240 vertical scan lines(288, 300, 360, 384, 480, 576), you will start to see interlacing artifacts around moving objects. Is this what you are seeing? The more vertical scan lines you have in the capture framesize, the more of this kind of artifact will take place. If it is so, then you will need to apply de- interlacing filter on the capture file during encoding back to mpeg VCD. Mpeg VCD is 352x240 by the way.

-- lnguyen (, January 08, 2001.

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