Sequenser header before every : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have made a mpg file with the Panasonic plug-in and now i want to "fix" this file so it will include a SH before every GOP. I have used the TMPGEnc on the following way.MPEG Tools, Demultiplex and then Multiplex. I have then used the new file in Video Pack 4 but I get the same error message as I use to get.
Is this the correct way to "fix" a mpg file that are missing the GOP settings?
-- Hans Mansson (, January 08, 2001
What is the "same error message"? I have burned VCDs direct from Panasonic in Videopack successfully (though my player won't FF and RW if they don't have the sequence headers). I've never tried just demux/remux with TMPG, I used a tool called "MPEG Sequence Maker" linked from (see the section on Philips DVD players) which added headers to the video stream, then remuxed, with success. Another idea: in TMPG when you remux make sure you have the settings set to "VCD compliant".
-- Frankie G (, January 09, 2001.