Junk Yard Wars

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I don't know if anyone else here likes the show Junk Yard Wars, but an FYI for those who do. The shows official message forum is right here on LUSENET at Junk Yard Wars Forum and a lot of the people who have competed on the show post there. Pretty cool!

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 08, 2001


I love this stuff krit. Think you could find and post TLC's upcoming schedule for 2001?

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), January 08, 2001.

Carlos, I should have known you would like that show, with yer cars and all. Maybe you can put together a "motorheads" team? Here's the schedule I got off of TLC.

D.A.M.M.A.G.E. Vs. the Long Brothers
Jan. 10, 2001 9 p.m. and midnight ET/PT

The teams need to build a rough-and-tumble racing buggie capable of negotiating chicanes, splashing through water and crossing rugged terrain. Cathy and George interview Rod Hall, the judge of the day and the only person to have competed in every Baja 1000 race. During the competition, both teams must circle the track three times, with each member taking a turn at the wheel.

Art Attack Vs. Metal Medics
Jan. 10, 2001 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET/PT

The teams square off to see who can build the best powerboat. One team builds a displacement boat, while the other goes for a boat that will plane over the surface. They face off in a relay race to see who can get their whole team, one by one, off an island.

Boats Winners Vs. Ballistic Missiles Winners
Jan. 17, 2001 9 p.m. and midnight ET/PT

In the first semifinal round, the teams have to devise an underwater breathing apparatus that will allow a diver to retrieve some sunken "treasure" from the bottom of a shark-filled aquarium. One team builds a piston pump, while the other team builds a bellow pump out of a couple of used tires. The judge for the day is Phil Nuytten, the world-famous pioneer of deep-water exploration, who reveals his theories on which team will be breathing easy during the competition. The first team to get to their treasure chest, open it and send its contents to the surface wins!

Off-Road Vehicles Winners Vs. Hot Rods Winners
Jan. 17, 2001 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET/PT

In the second round of the semifinals, the teams must build a hovercraft. One team builds a light, single-engine craft and the other builds a sturdier, heavy hovercraft with two engines. But will the team that builds the light vehicle have enough power to get the job done? And will the other team ever get its creation off the ground?

Semifinals Winners
Jan. 24, 2001 9 p.m. and midnight ET/PT

Two teams have battled their way into the final round and now go head to head to see who will lay claim to the Junkyard Wars trophy — and who will go home with egg on their faces, literally. The ultimate challenge? To build a rocket that will take an ostrich egg up as high as possible and then return it safely to the ground. Only one team manages to bring its payload safely back; the other team makes plans for an omelet brunch.

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 08, 2001.

I love that show! The hoovercraft worries me though, the technology to do that is difficult in a well financed setting with highly skilled personel. Never know though, it could be an advantage for people who aren't trained in the "field" to attempt to do it. After all, they haven't been contaminated by preconcieved ideas about what isn't supposed to be able to work.

Hey, we should try to think up ideas and throw them around to see what we can come up with.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), January 09, 2001.

The American version isn't as good as the Brits, and giving everyone a technical advisor who already has blueprints drawn up of what they're going to do is hardly sporting chap, but I still like watching how things get built.

The forum confirms the junk yard is seeded with some needed items, but they still have to find the right ones. (Like, some don't work and some don't fit..)

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 09, 2001.

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