Mame Deca2001 voting and registration is : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Greetings programs.Head over to to vote and register for the Deca2001. I want to run this from 01 Feb 01 to 01 Apr 01 so it won't interfere with the Mame Olympiad here at MARP. I have also disqualified any game that was in the Deca2k since most people don't want to play the same game over and over.
Thoughts? Comments? Let me know.
Thanks and take care,
-- Ron Corcoran (, January 08, 2001
Ron, Personally , I think 2 months is too short for such a big Tourney as DECA2001 . Haven`t checked the details on the Olympiad..( dates..etc ), but surely 2 months is too short ? Can something be worked-out between you + the MARP editors to accomodate both events?Just my thoughts...... Slán,
-- AL (, January 08, 2001.
I realize two months is short, but I don't want to interfere with MARP events. I will ask Pete next time I catch him online for specific dates for the Olympiad, and we can see what we can do about scheduling.
-- Ron Corcoran (, January 08, 2001.