Guy Question : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

why do guys hate songs by the band Air Supply so much?

-- (hebrokethec@ssette.tape), January 07, 2001


no text

-- (me@again.bump), January 07, 2001.

Wuss rock sucks.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, January 07, 2001.

Some guys are offended by the idea of a man falling for romantic love the way a woman might. They think it makes the man look weak.

-- (Venus@nd.Mars), January 07, 2001.

The day Air Supply turns up their guitars and distortion and starts making real music (if it makes old people nervous, it is real music) will be the day real men every where will start liking them.

-- real man (I@hate.airSupply), January 07, 2001.

This year, 2000, marks their 25th anniversary and after 18 albums, they still find the experience incredible! Thanks to the amazing support of devoted fans around the world, they are still enjoying every aspect of being the "messengers of the love ballad".

I think I'm gonna be ill.

-- (they're@still.around!), January 07, 2001.

Men don't like the idea of putting on lovey-dovey music and getting all smoochy-woochy. You have 2 options... put on some real rock 'n roll and ask your guy if he wants to fuck, or consider becoming a lesbian.

-- (, January 07, 2001.

While I wouldn't consider myself a fan of Air Supply, I don't find their stuff unpleasant to listen to.

-- David L (, January 07, 2001.

Both Air Supply AND REO Speedwagon grate on my nerves, always have. For awhile I could swear they were the same damn band. yuk yuk yuk

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 07, 2001.

All I can say is "I'm all out of love I'm so lost without you"

There, does that answer the question? ;-0

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 08, 2001.

I dislike Air Supply because the lead singer sings in such breathy voice. That's just not my cup of tea. I have no problem with music being romantic, it's just that guy's voice that drives me up the wall. I guess I like music to either be much more sophisticated, or more gritty/real.

I'm not a big Eric Clapton fan, but he's a good example of an artist who can be very romantic without slipping into Richard Simmons mode.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 08, 2001.

Thanks for all of your comments! I guess to some ears it is "wuss rock" and the lead singer is a little breathy. They said sort of the same thing about Donna Summer on "I Feel Love," except they said that she sounds like she's going to cum, which seems to make "breathy" more okay? He bought me a cd to replace the tape he broke, so I guess I won't break up with him (yet).

-- (, January 08, 2001.

1st the tape, then he breaka you face.

Lose the zero and capture a hero.

Love, abby

-- (shh@aol.con), January 08, 2001.


That makes "breathy" more OK, yes, more OK, much more. OK. Plus it's from a female. I would have to say that it's OK. With me. Ahem. (Sits down.)

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 08, 2001.

Sweety Consumer I outweigh him by a good 62 pounds. He broke that tape while he was standing out in the yard. He knows what would have happened if he done that in the same room where I was.

-- (Ilove@Air.Supply!), January 08, 2001.

If someone breaks your air supply tape, I'd say they are doing you a huge favor and you owe them at LEAST one drink. {heehee haahaa snicker snicker}

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 09, 2001.

Two GUYS singing a love song duet just doesn't cut it for me.

That, and no cool guitar solos.

And, aren't they ABBA's cousins or something like that?

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), January 09, 2001.

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