Creating a video CD with Nero : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i have created a VCD using Nero v5. But my DVD player fails to recognise it.(Sony DVP S 336)although all neccesary files are present on the disk, when i check properties the disk is classed as a CD ROM not a VCD.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong
-- Nikola Lalic (, January 07, 2001
Are you using a CD-R or a CD-RW. The Sony 335 and 336 only accept CDRW's, not CDRs
-- Scott Upham (, January 07, 2001.
Quick way to verify that what you burned was burned correctly: start Windows Media Player and open your VCD. Go to the MPEGAV directory and look for the biggest file there (there is probably just one large file). Have Windows Media Player play the file. If it plays, then you created the VCD correctly and your problem is what another answer said - your DVD player doesn't like CD-R media. CD-RW has better reflectivity and many players that choke on CD-R will handle CD-RW, so you could try burning a CD-RW VCD and see what happens.
-- Jason Shumate (, January 08, 2001.
This isn't so. I've used Mr Platinum CD-Rs in my Sony DVPS336 and they work a treat for VCDs.
-- Tim Bevin (, February 27, 2001.
Try using princo cdrs, with me its the only brand that worked
-- Pedro Duarte (, April 10, 2001.
I have a created any VCD an CD with cdr Vivastar and Princo(Sony DVPS336).
-- federico contesini (, January 06, 2003.
I have a SONY DVP-s355 and it will not accept CD-R. (using Memorex) I have tried to burn at speed 4 (some players cannot read VCD created on higher speed).
-- Robert Kristiansen (, July 31, 2003.