LOOK WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ( after Clinton / Gore Fuckup)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
After all that has happened over the last eight years (extra marital affairs, talk about how Hillary will bail out the health care system, tax relief, ect.) What has been accomplished ( like chevy's resturants say "nada not a thing extra" other than a whole lot of shit to keep peoples mind off of issues.
-- Red Johnson (Red Johnson@member.net), January 06, 2001
Much as I dislike him I can think of three things that would not have happened had Bush been elected in '92. Each involve a betrayal to his core supporters but that's never bothered the Bill. Curiously it doesn't seem to have bothered the betrayed either.1. NAFTA (Chew on that AFL/CIO)
2. Welfare reform (Black Caucus? what Black Caucus?)
3. Don't ask, don't tell. (You can be a Marine Percy just keep your mouth shut)
Imagine a Republican president pulling this off.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), January 06, 2001.
Carlos, It is time for bed.Are you up?
And willing to talk to a bad person.
-- antkicker (gotobed@inyourface.com), January 06, 2001.
1. NAFTA (Chew on that AFL/CIO) Sorry Carlos, Reagans idea, Bush pushed it through, and a Republican Congress with veto powers over Clinton on this one passed it into law...I wouldn't give Clinton credit for this one. Most of Clintons good ideas came from the GOP. If anything you have to give him credit for better PR and marketing. Clintons next original idea will be his first...
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), January 06, 2001.
NAFTA! Yeah baby. Free trade for drugs.
-- (LeonTrotsky@the.pharmacia), January 06, 2001.