my my look what i found : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Mon Nov 6 15:15:32 GMT 2000 Laura_lookingforasong I'm looking for Patsy's song "Fourty miles of bad road". I'm broke (pretty much) so if someone here knows where I can download a copy I'd sure appreciate it. Please e-mail me at if you can help. (Sorry about the name of my e-mail, but I'm afraid if I post the name of my business e-mail it'll get spammed. You could also post information on this page and I'll find it.) Thanks, Laura


-- cin (cin@cin.cin), January 05, 2001


Laura was 40 miles of bad road.

-- Carlos (, January 05, 2001.


-- sumer who dont get it (shh@aol.con), January 05, 2001.

Cin, I haven't counted all the Laura's in this country, but I'm sure more than one posts on the internet.

-- helen (b@r.f), January 05, 2001.


One night a couple of months ago, an anon was in Bok's chat room. Hadn't said anything, then all of a sudden wanted me to e-mail them, saying they had a question to ask me. I used my hotmail account to email that person, due to not knowing who it was. Funny thing, it was the Interesting. At least I didn't give out my work address because "it'll get spammed". Interesting, very interesting.


-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), January 05, 2001.

"Forty Miles of Bad Road", Duane Eddy, 1959. Can't find any lyrics.

-- (, January 05, 2001.

lol, if laura is 40 miles of bad road then cin must be a bad interstate freeway passing through all of the trailer parks.

-- mbo (, January 05, 2001.

lol but not quite. cin is more like a skateboarder passing through a red light district.

-- (been there@done.that), January 05, 2001.

helen, there was a chatter in bok's lastnight who became pretty much psychotic in front of our eyes. Previous to this episode, the person had given out this email address: Curiosity about the foul-mouthed psycho brought me to do a search on that address. Sorry but this can be no coincidence.

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), January 05, 2001.

I have been in Bok's before and seen people use all kinds of fake names. (cin, I have seen yourself "psychotic" at times.) That address might be ll's but who knows? Did that person sign in as ll or the same name both times? Another thing I don't understand is why ll would post there and not here. She didn't seem like the type who could keep her mouth shut to me. If any of you actually do talk to her would you please tell her "lightsand" would like her to write?

-- (opm@no.troll), January 05, 2001.

And people ask me why I generally avoid chat rooms....

-- (, January 05, 2001.

Kb: thank you :-)

Although I have ventured into Bok's and the people there are very nice and helpful when i was down a lil bit.

FWIW, I 'do' avoid the chats find them boring and usually only venture into chat rooms via aol when over the edge board and thats only to stir the crap


who once went into a new mom's room and said "slap the baby" only to get chased out :-) hee hee (evil one that I am)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 05, 2001.

Oh hell what did "I " do w/the bold...I have no idea how that happened.

Heres hoping I didnt muck up everything.

Bangs head on desk at work.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 05, 2001.

Bold off?

Sumer - it was the hidden big eg that you put in... next time try to use ( and ).

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), January 05, 2001.

hey "lightsand", how desperate could you possibly be anyway?

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), January 05, 2001.

is the bold off yet?

-- (, January 05, 2001.

Bold off.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 05, 2001.

not off sorry

oh look at the mess. places head on desk and wishes to go home.

Picks head up and says "hey I learned somethin tho".

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 05, 2001.

some help.

-- help (help@help.zzz), January 05, 2001.

You're welcome, 'sumer. Now, go home. No wine. Just screwdrivers. Oh, yeah ... and whole wheat toast, dry! You'll feel better in no time. My body *hates* dry toast and will heal quickly for that reason.

-- (, January 05, 2001.

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