video capture using Marvel G400 or Firewire (1394) card? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

From what I have read from this board, it seems Matrox Marvel G400 TV plus Panasonic MPEG1 Encoder is a very good combination for making good quality VCDs. I did some research on G400, and found out that it only takes in analog signals (composite video or s video). I have a Sony Digital 8 camcorder which has a DV (iLink, Firewire, 1394) port and can transfer digital signals. So it seems natural to use 1394 card to transfer the digital signals from my camcorder to my PC ( save as avi format), and then use Panasonic Encoder to convert it to MPEG1 to be burned on VCD. I have tried two firewire cards (SIIG and Studio DV) and the results isn't that good. The pictures are choppy and the color is blurring when I play the VCD on my VCD player. I really want to get decent quality VCDs out of my digital 8 tapes. Any of you out there has tried to use the firewire card and how does it compares with the Marvel G400 card? My concern is that digital-analog-digital through G400 will loss some data and hence the video quality? I would like to hear your commnets on which way to go - Marvel G400 or a Firewire card. Also I would appreciate it if you can recommend some decent 1394 cards and video capture/edit softwares.

-- Bobby (, January 03, 2001


I have a Sony Digital 8 camera (DCR-TRV320)and get great downloads from the camera to my computer, but I haven't created any VCDs yet. I bought ULEAD VIDEO STUDIO 4.0 SE that came with a TI OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller and FireWire cable. At first I had a problem with choppy video and sound, but then I upgraded to a 40GB Western Digital hard drive with Ultra ATA 66. After enabling the DMA Transfers on the hard drive through the control panel, systems setting, I got great downloads. My next purchase will be a CD burner then hopefully I will be able to produce great quality VCDs. I hope this helps.

-- Steve (, January 03, 2001.

I have a G400 and DV cam GL1. I got better resaults going thru the G400 than 1394 card, lot less HD space needed. You can push the bit rate and get even better resaults.

-- teeball (, January 04, 2001.

Steve and teeball, thanks very much for the information. I have a decent pentium III PC with 128 RAM, 30G HD and DMA enabled. I found out that a good MPEG encoder software does help a lot. I tried the Panasonic MPEG1 Encoder and the results are much better although the pictures are a little blurring when played on TV using VCD player. I will try to use some of the settings/filters and see if I can get better pictures. As teeball suggested that G400 gets better results, I guess I can plan to get a G400 TV card :-)

-- Bobby (, January 04, 2001.

One more piont, VCD has limited quality 352X240 res will not be as good as digital 8. When played on large TV you will not have a sharp picture

-- teeball (, January 05, 2001.

From all the answers above, seems there is no way I can archive my own shot from my Sharp VL-PD6 Camcorder onto CD-rom. I like to store away my video taken from the camcorder on CD-rom. What is the best option retaining the highest quality? Although my 1394 preview my video very clean and nice on my PC, when captured (so called 25 frames/sec), playback seems to be of much lower frames/sec. What could be wrong? I use Ulead Studio 4.

Thanks Leon

-- Leon Woo (, January 24, 2001.

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