commercial guides on el cap ? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

G,day from Australia. I,m interested in doing a big wall in yosemite maybe the nose. Are there any commercial guides that you can pay to take you on a big wall trip or is there a way of teaming up with other like minded climbers to do such a trip ? If so can somebody maybe pass on their details. Thanks for any help !

-- dave b (, January 01, 2001


The only "legal" climbing guide service in the Valley is the Yosemite Mountaineering School, which has exclusive rights to the guiding in the Valley. They can be reached at (209)-372-8344, and they have guiding available for anywhere from first-time climbers to big walls such as what you are looking for. I understand the going rate for something like El Cap / the Nose would be about $3000.00.... You can also take your chances and try hooking up with another climber or team in or around Camp 4, or by leaving a note of your plans on the bulletin board there and hope someone will contact you..

-- Jim Leininger (, January 02, 2001.

Hi Dave, I tried to email you but it bounced. Drop me a line if you happen to see this post. Cheers, Pete

-- "Pass the Pitons" Pete (, March 28, 2001.

A bunch of guides in the bay area/yosemite area will guide the nose, just look for them, i think even hans florine does guiding for pay on the nose

-- Jamin Horn (, August 31, 2003.

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