Need optimal settings for Panasonic MPEG1 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm in the process of putting my captured mpeg1 file through the Panasonic MPEG1 encoder for preparation of burning a VCD.My question has to do with selecting the best options within the Panasonic encoder which will generate the best image on my tv for color and smooth motion. I know there is a default option for VCD/NTSC but there are also advanced options which are confusing me.
Please advise.
Also, any opinions on the best value CD-RW to use for burning ?
thank you gregg
-- Gregg J. emans (, December 31, 2000
After trying the Panasonic, LSX, Heuris, and several others, I settled on the TMPGenc. Quality is great, and what's more it's freeware (i.e. Legal!). The last but one version can encode to MPEG- 2 also, but they removed it for the latest version. Get it here - Good luck!
-- Terry Rush (, December 31, 2000.
on the advance settings i set the video filter to adaptive and thne anywhere from weakest to medium.Also since i play my stuff on tv i slect the tv setting for color. I am assuming your using a newer one (2.5 something) and the filters on the newer versions are a lot stronger then in previous. If you pic looks good to begin with i would set the filter weakest to weak, if it looks bad go with medium and if it looks really bad then set strong. The NOISE filter only added extra interference and therefore i would not recommend using it. I though did make the switch over to tmpg it provides much better filters and better color at the sametime it is VERY slow
-- Doug (, December 31, 2000.