Modify Cokin filter for Minox : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Cokin used to make filter system for compact camera.
Instead of screwmount on the the lens thread, these Cokin filter for compact camera has a bracket attach to the tripod thread of compact camera, with the filter holder in front of the the lens and clears the pull down cover of Minox 35.
These compact camera filter adapter were discontinued
However, it may be possible to modify screwmount Cokin filter for use on Minox 35 cameras
Cut a piece of plastic, about 0.5cm thick, 8 cm wide and 10.0 to 10.5 cm long, drill a 3/8" hole at one end the clear the tripod thread of Minox 35, and glue this adapter board to the flat side of Cokin filter holder. That makes a Cokin filter adapter for Minox.
A 40-45mm Cokin filter holder may fit
-- martin tai (, December 31, 2000
Hello Martin,I saw the filter holder being advertised in Practical Photography and Amateur Photographer magazines(UK mags). They are brought back to the market again. By the way I bought one for my compact camera years ago.
Happy New Year to you.
-- Paul Chuah (, January 01, 2001.
Paul, thanks for this infoThere is also another company making metal mounting bracket for compact camera and digital camera which has no filter thread.
bracket mount for Minox ?
-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.
Here is a place which sells compact camera holder for Cokin filterLook for ACCA: COMPACT CAMERA HOLDER 3 pound each
-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.
>bracket mount for Minox ? I bought one of these, it doesn't work with the GT-E/S. I don't know about any others but I doubt it. Also while these guys make some great stuff and I'm glad of little engineering firms like this, they don't seem to know how to use email, no amount of emailing them for info actually got me any.All was not lost, the fitler holder was a bust for the GT-S, and didn't work very well with its intended target, a digital (admittedly it was an upright Fuji) it was PERFECT for my Rolleiflex. Fiddly to get on though.
-- Lisa (, April 12, 2002.