What are Your New Year's Resolutions?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Last year, I resolved not to make any New Year's resolutions, but that was boring. This year, I'm resolving to decrease my intake of Mountain Dew by at least six cans a week and to avoid consuming any Little Debbie product.

What are your resolutions for 2001?

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), December 29, 2000


Notice that I didn't write anything about losing weight. However, if I cut out Dew and snacking on boxes of Little Debbie cakes, I'm sure I'll shrink my waistline.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), December 29, 2000.

To decide who I am.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), December 29, 2000.

To NOT sacrifice to the point of being broke myself.

To figure out who FS is.

To pay off as much debt as possible and NOT fall into the credit syndrom nomo.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 29, 2000.

To not get caught

-- E.H. Porter (just.wondering@about.it), December 29, 2000.

FS - That reminded me of the caterpillar scene in Alice in Wonderland.

My prayer during the new year will be to more fully comprehend the love of God and to display it as I ought.

-- (bygrace@thru.faith), December 29, 2000.

Hey "by grace" by golly--

Are you back? Good.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), December 29, 2000.

To get over Al winning the election..

-- we all know he won (the popul@r.vote), December 29, 2000.

Driscol won the election. God help us! *<)))

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), December 29, 2000.

As God is my witness, I vow that in 2001 I will purge, destroy and uproot every blackberry vine on my property, along with a considerable percentage of the English ivy. In 2002 the laurel will be brought under my heel.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), December 30, 2000.

Brian, that's the way I feel about the thistle that's invaded my lawn. I've squirted it with Round-up, set it on fire, and even gave it a shot of DDT. It's the Energizer Bunny of weeds.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), December 31, 2000.

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