Making VCD... Mac or Windows : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've been making VCD's on my 400MHZ Intel Celeron with only decent quality results. I am hearing from some sources that to truly get a good quality VCD, "don't waste your time on windows, buy a Mac" Is this true? I am looking at buying a capture card, but only if I can get a good result on my existing system. Any comments greatly appreciated.

-- Derek Sider (, December 28, 2000


I don't know were you heard Macs make better ANYTHING! But they are FULL OF SHIT! Show me a Mac punk who is willing to match quality for quality and I will kick their ass. Or should I say there Purple, Green, Blue, or whatever the hell color computer they have. Ask A Mac user and the color is directly related to the performance of the machine. LMFAO!!! There is even a recent post here were the user lists their machine and advice and they give the color as a reference to the system they are using. LOL. There is a reason there is NO SOFTWARE for the Mac. There is a reason YOU CAN NOT ADD A Hard Drive, CD player OR ANYTHING to your mac yourself. THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Macs are for Kiddies! Get a Pentium, put in windows 98, 2000, NT, or Linux, X Windows, anything. Don't throw out good money on a Mac!! If you don't believe me about Macs, just search zdnet, cnet, yahoo, or ANY OTHER with tech listings!

-- Mac Killer (, December 28, 2000.

First of all, don't listen to that Mac Killer moron. He has no idea what he's talking about, obviously. I put an additional 80 gig hard drive into my G4, and a DVD Ram drive, with no external help at all. The guy obviously knows very little about the Mac, and his ignorance is obvious. Now, on to your question. The quality you get does depend, in some cases, on the computer. The Mac is far superior in it's handling of graphics and multimedia, but that doesn't necessarily mean your end product will be any better. With a good enough capture card, and decent speed, a PC can be evry bit as good as a Mac. However, even a souped up PC will never be as good visually as a Mac. The end product, if you make a VCD and play it on your DVD player at home, will be very similar in quality, but take any DVD, or just a CD of images, and use it on a Mac or PC, and it will always, and I mean always look better on a Mac. I say if you're getting good results now, there's really no need to change. But if you're serious about high quality output, a Mac will give you far better control. Enjoy!

-- Chernoi (, December 29, 2000.

BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! No OS knowledge? UNIX, currnet Solaris, Perl, Mac, Linux, Win 3.1, 95, 98, NT, Novell Netware. Currently run 2 in-house networks. 1 public via tcp-ip, 1 private via Novell Netware. My mail server is a sun Spark 5 dual pent. prosc. hosting over 80 users, 3 websites, & more. I installed ALL OF IT MYSELF! All the way down to the filters in my firewall! Do you have any idea how to even send mail via a command line on a Unix work station? Fuck NO! Should I list what I have setup at home for ya? You are an A TYPICAL Mac Dumbshit! rm -r PLEASE stay with your Mac. 3% of internet surfers are Mac. Hell my log files even show this. Just know the internet you surf on is built with backbones made by NON MAC Machines. C YA BYE!

-- Mac Killer (, December 30, 2000.

Its best that we ignore zellots like this one. As far as I am concerned, the Mac is better at doing pretty much anything. There is a reason that a majority of the magazines published in the United States are finished on the Macintosh.

-- Andrew (, December 31, 2000.

As they download there email from a Unix server and look at their paycheck printed from Windows NT wondering how bad traffic will be on the way home as they drive a car designed on a Win 98 machine, etc, etc, etc.... Think differen't! Yeah, uh huh! LMAO

-- W G (LM@O.DE), January 01, 2001.

creating video cd with a mac is so easy. u just need quick time (free), astarte mpack ( now free coz not sold anymore) and ur cd burner. so if anyone disagree come and see me in new caledonia and i'll show u. it works too from a dv cam with imovie (free as well) no crash, no bugs, no winshit. fanch

-- (, January 04, 2001.

Hi. I use a "low end" iMac 400 Mhz and an external cd writer for burning cds. I have been using imovie that came free with the iMac and have been making home movies and exporting them to VCD using the Toast. The Mac is simple to use and I never took any computer courses or anything. The programs on the mac are very intuituive and the hardware is very reliable. I can't really say that about the pc I am using at work.

-- Marco M. (, September 06, 2001.

I use Mac, PC, and Linix and I dont care if I needed help with any of them I would let that I hate mac guys touch my computers with a ten foot pole. You sound pretty pissed about people using macs, could it be you just have a small penis and are trying to make up for this. You may think your some god but your probably just some dick that thinks he knows alot.

-- Jon (, October 09, 2001.

I use a PowerBook G3 and a Pentium 3 500. My PC was turned into a very expensive video-game machine after I got my Mac. All OS's for the PC are ugly and very user "unfriendly". I'm not saying Mac are perfect. They are far from that, but they sure give me a better time doing my work.

-- Gustavo (, October 10, 2001.

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