.cda files

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have recently aquired a VCD that for some reason, can't play on my DVD or through Windows. Disc 1 plays fine, but disc 2 can't be read. I went to properties of the disc through Windows and noticed that it was a .cda file. Audio CD? I tried playing the disc in my friend's machine and it worked! (Well, half way through the movie anyways)Can someone please help me?

-- allan wong (allan.wong@telusplanet.net), December 27, 2000


If i am not mistaken, the .cda is from CD&G type of disc. It's a Karaoke CD for Karaoke VCD Player. You create this type of disc with WinCDr for Karaoke purpose.

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), December 27, 2000.

What is .cda files I want to know about taht

-- surendra dharwal (suren_matangi@yahoo.com), May 20, 2004.

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