when i run my PC-VCD Player(powerplyer by cyberlink) i get an error MMSYSTEM296, what it means? how to rectify it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

when i run my PC-VCD Player(powerplyer by cyberlink) i get an error MMSYSTEM296, what it means? how to rectify it?

-- vasudevan (get_vasu@yahoo.com), December 24, 2000


Try installing windows media player

-- malnadman (malnadman@home.com), December 31, 2000.

Microsoft also has a fix for this problem,

download and run this file mmsystem296.exe <== click on the link and "run/open from location"

for more information go to...


It will show you what to do

-- shyamal kumar chakraborty (onlymail2@yahoo.com), August 14, 2003.

Drive Cyberlink powerplyer CD/VCD

-- huaj (huajlauj@yahoo.com), December 15, 2003.

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