Photo VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I want to make a photo cd and i have easy cd creator 4.0, but it does not have the photo cd option. are there any freeware or shareware that I can download that will allow me to make photo vcds?Thanx
-- Teddy Wu (, December 24, 2000
I have the same issue. Did you get any answers - if so would you pass it on.
-- Jon (, January 06, 2001.
here's the answer "Video Pack 4.0" It will take care of your needs
-- mac (, January 24, 2001.
Try This>>>[FlyVCD]With Audio mp3 or wav IT IS The *Best* From All
-- Cracker From Greece (, July 28, 2002.
PictureToTV ( does what you need. It's much better than FlyVCD, IMO.
-- Bayee (, November 20, 2002.
I heard that Pro Show Gold was very good. It has options for Auto-run cds for pc's and mpeg pc movies as well. You can go to for a free trial download.
-- Mike Cole (, December 30, 2002.
I have been doing some research on this very issue and so far the best software I've come up with is WinOnCD 5. It not only creates a slide show, but also allows you to view the photos individually in several ways. All the others that I've come across so far only provide a movie format.
-- J King (dfgfrf@fghhg.sdfg), January 05, 2003.
Strongly recommend to try Photo2VCD Professional. It's a great software to burn a photo vcd.
-- Tobee wu (, February 16, 2003.
Ulead DVD picture show 1.1 or 2.0 is also good software to create photo VCD, besides, it support avi file and photo file mix together. complete function u need in create a photo VCD, including music, transaction, menu... u can try it!!
-- Lim Jian Xiong (, June 12, 2003.
DVD Photo Slideshow is also a good software for hi-resolution photo vcd slideshow.
-- Robert Thomas (, July 10, 2003.